Leŋges hearggi sáhčal fatnasa


Fredrik Prost


North Sami

About the book

Leŋges hearggi Sáhčal fatnasa girjjis Fredrik Prost dieđut sámi árvvuid ja vásáhusaid birra mannet máŋgačuohte jagi maŋosguvlui áiggis. Su váldoberoštupmi lea sámi noaidegáriid, goavdáid, dutkat ja ođđasit dahkat. Su dutkamuš lea persovnnalaš muitalus mas oahpásmuvvat noaidegáriid historjái, ja mo dat čatnasa sápmelaš máilbmeoidnui ja luondduálbmoga áddejupmái.

I boken Leŋges hearggi Sáhčal fatnasa skriver Fredrik Prost om samiske verdier og erfaringer som går flere hundre år tilbake i tiden. Hans hovedintresse har vært å samle kunskap og duddjot (gjøre) samiske trommer. Gjennom hans arbeide får vi en personlig fortelling om trommens historie, dens anknytning til samisk verdensanskuelse og naturfolks åndelige forståelse og hans åndelige reise.

Nominated for Nordic Council’s Litterature award 2024

More information here and here

About the illustrations

The book contains about 200 illustrations, both bigger and smaller pieces. The first one was made in year 2017, when Prost started to talk about creating the book. Slowly but surely a figurative language started to take form from the stories unfolding in the book. Darker tones and themes in the storytelling reflects in the imagery where light is created from the shadows and darker tones. Delicate pencilstrokes against white paper is contrasted with dark landscapes and brushstorkes in the charcoal and graphite drawings. While reading the stories from Prost and also exctensive conversation about the thematic of the book Påve has created the illustration with the Sami symbolism in center. The metaphorical langugage is imbedded with the artistic views of the Sami people and the silent language and knowledge imbedded within it. Påve has in additon to this also travelled to archives around Sápmi to visit old artifacts connected to the spiritual life of the Sami people to life draw the artefacts.

The drawings are mostly made on stonepaper with graphite powder and pencils. There are also charcoal drawings and linoleum prints present in the imagery. The front cover is made on cottonpapper with aquarelle (privately owned). This wide range of techniques speak to the different aspects of the chapters unfolding in the book where dramatic stories are intertvined with poems and chapters of more practical nature.

A small range of drawings has been exhibited in following places:
2023 Nordnorskt kunstmuseum, Tromsö (NO)
2024 Konstmuseet i Norr, Kiruna (SWE)

Coming exhibition:
2024 Sdg, Karasjok (NO)

A small selection of drawings are shown here